Schema Grid app provides the functionality to view the relation between objects and the details of each object.
Custom Object list:
A list of all the objects will be displayed in the left panel of the Schema Grid app. Custom objects are at the top of the list, and the rest are standard objects of the HubSpot account image. Box number 2 contains the list of custom objects.
Standard Object List
The list of custom objects is followed by a list that contains standard objects of every HubSpot portal, which is initially common for all portals but provides room for modification at a later stage for instance adding some custom properties, etc.
Object Search Bar
In the left panel on the top of the object list, there is a search bar that can be used to search any object from a list with its name.
Select All Button
In the left panel on the top of the object list and search bar, there are two buttons i.e. Select All and Deselect All.
Zoom level manipulations
On the bottom right corner, there is a set of three floating buttons.
Navigation Window
On the top right corner, there is a light blue transparent floating box which is a navigation window. It is a live map of the entire Grid to navigate those objects which are not in viewport or field of view of the user.
Image Download
After displaying some objects on the grid, users can download an image of the grid in the form of an Entity Relationship Diagram.
Display relationship
Schema Grid displays the relationship between the selected objects.